BiSN, a trusted supplier of permanent downhole sealing solutions for major players like Woodside, Chevron, Shell and BP in the oil and gas industry, has inaugurated its latest facility in the Perth industrial area of Welshpool, emphasising an unwavering dedication to employee safety and wellbeing. To fulfill this commitment, BiSN partnered with Spring Safety Consultants, leading experts in health, safety, environment, and quality (HSEQ) support services. This blog highlights their joint efforts in elevating workplace safety and compliance.
Spring Safety Consultants undertook an independent WHS Compliance Inspection and Risk Register assessment, aligning with Western Australia’s Work Health and Safety legislation. Spring Safety’s Managing Director is an Exemplar Global Certified HSEQ Auditor and approved compliance Auditor by WA’s regulator, the WorkSafe Commissioner responsible to the Minister for Industrial Relations for the administration of the WHS Act 2020 (WA). The assessment conducted by Sophia Rossow and her chief safety engineer, aimed to identify gaps in legislation, pinpoint deficiencies in procedures and processes, and outline improvement areas for continual system enhancement. Covering BiSN’s entire Perth manufacturing unit, the assessment provided a comprehensive overview of operations, including senior management involvement. Insights gathered from the assessment spanned management system and WHS field inspection domains.
BiSN’s collaboration with Spring Safety Consultants underscores a commitment to prioritising work health and safety and compliance in Australia. Through collaborative endeavours and proactive measures, BiSN is in position to enhance its WHS practices and foster a safer work environment. As organisation’s navigate the complex territory of WHS compliance, BiSN’s journey stands as an inspiration, showcasing the transformative impact of collaboration and proactive initiatives in nurturing a culture of safety and excellence.
By Dorit Ozchakir